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The world is our classroom…Sovereign Hill with Daniela

Thursday, 20 June 2024

The world is our classroom…Sovereign Hill with Daniela

Have you been to Sovereign Hill?  I went recently to experience the magic and adventure of the Gold Rush era at Sovereign Hill - an open-air museum in Golden Point, a suburb of Ballarat, Victoria, which depicts Ballarat's first ten years after the discovery of gold there in 1851.

Whilst I was there, I got to see a comedy performance in the little theatre, watch a blacksmith in action, see a confectionary demonstration, walk through a gold mine, and watch a battalion of red coat soldiers march through the streets and finish with a shoot-out! I also got to try a hand at panning for gold – a must do whilst visiting this amazing place.  And finishing the day with the amazing light and sound show was perfect. There is just so much to see and do in Sovereign Hill – and an amazing location to learn about, and immerse yourself in, the Gold Rush era.

Daniela Pervan, Senior Operations Specialist